Do you know wha…

Do you know what my favorite part of the game is? The opportunity to play-Mike Singletary

2014 has rolled in, as fast and blended in as it may have seen, but now is the infamous time for resolutions and self reflection. Most of the time the New Year brings in new goals, and lofty achievements we look to set and better ourselves. When looking at your goals this year, look at what you want, what you want for yourself, because those will be the goals you will have the most self discipline to achieve. Everyone always talks about wanting to lose weight and reach their maximum potentialĀ on health and physique, but is that what you truly want, or is that what society has brain washed you into thinking? Look at what you have around you, and learn to appreciate the small things. If getting in shape is something you personally want to achieve, then you will achieve it, but if it is something you are doing to have a better appearance in society, you will more than likely struggle. So make goals that will push you, but are achievable, so when December 31st comes around, you can look back at your list and be satisfied and proud of the goals you can check off. And always remember, take the little things to heart. This quote shows that sometimes we don’t appreciate the opportunities we have, because we expect loftier achievements in those fields. So maybe you didn’t lose your twenty pounds last year, maybe you weren’t the salesperson of the year, maybe you didn’t make your all conference selection, but at the end of the day, you can say you were healthy enough to be able to work out, you had a job you were able to work and provide for your family, and you were able to play a sport that you enjoyed. So set goals this year that you personally want for YOU and no one else, because at the end of the day, a happier and more satisfied you, leads to happier and more satisfied people around you. #CruzSportsCorner