The Luol Deng Controversy

So it’s finalized, Luol Deng has been traded, Andrew Bynum has been waived, and sports fans everywhere are skeptical, and they have every right to be. As a Chicago Bulls fan, (I know being a Celtics fan and experiencing the pain this very year), you have to be frustrated and confused on just why was Deng dealt? Our society has come to operate on instant gratification, and as sports fans, we don’t want down years on our notoriously successful teams, such as the Chicago Bulls. The point that is missed in this reoccurring theme is the process, and the side benefits of moving a player due a large amount of salary, and one who is unfortunately only getting older. The true reality that Bulls fans and fans of the NBA have to realize are the side benefits and realities. Luol Deng is 28, which in all reality isn’t that old, but he is no longer an up and coming 23 year old, and isn’t ever going to be again. The thing about this season is that the high hopes of Derrick Rose making an MVP caliber return, and leading his team through the Eastern playoffs with title sights, were halted with his second knee injury. The team still has key components, and wins against some very strong teams, but lack the consistency that their All Star brings to the table, and their record shows. The Bulls, 32 games into the season, are a sub 500, 14-18, which contextually puts them in the 6th seed of the playoffs. Taking that into context with the weak Eastern Conference, that just isn’t that impressive. The GM Gar Forman is seeing what I and many other basketball enthusiasts are seeing also, the inability to compete with a Miami Heat or Indiana Pacers in a 7 game playoff series scenario. So put that information into context. You are the Chicago Bulls organization, one who prides itself in being a top competitor in the Conference and the NBA, and you are realizing without Derrick Rose you just don’t have the necessary pieces to contend. This is where it gets hard for the fans. Do you suck it up and try your luck for the remainder of the season, risk making the playoffs in hopes of a miraculous deep run, or do you accept reality and begin the rebuilding process, piecing together a squad that will be able to aid Derrick Rose to NBA Title contention? The decision is easy when broken down like this, and unfortunately Luol Deng was where it started. With this trade, and the waiving of Andrew Bynum, the Bulls have saved nearly 20 million dollars in salary cap, and have gained three future draft picks. What is the current significance in this? With 2014, we are looking at the most storied free agency year in NBA history, and a draft with the potential to rival that of the Lebron, D Wade, Carmelo class of 2003. So the Bulls have positioned themselves to make off season moves. They have 20 million dollars they didn’t have before, to try and lure in a Melo or other high level free agent to raise the bar with Derrick Rose. They now have three future draft picks that they can deal and use in attempt to get the likes of an Andrew Wiggins, Marcus Smart, Jabari Parker, or Julius Randle. So does losing Deng seem all that bad now? Sure it takes a certain kind of humility to let down your pride and realize Title dreams are just not realistic this year, but in the end, can you give up this years hopes in hopes of winning 1, 2, 3, or more in the future? That’s what this trade has began, and the doors it has opened. The 2014 offseason will be legendary, and the Bulls have now positioned themselves to make a move. Not only is this move good for the Bulls, but it has also positioned the Cavaliers. They have added another piece, while freeing salary, in Luol Deng. They have added a proven scorer and prolific defender/rebounder, to go along with their core of Kyrie Irving, Anderson Varajeo, Tristan Thompson, and others. Not only have they added a great piece, but they have voided three future salaries, opening up room to make a move on one of these great 2014 free agents. Does Lebron think the Cavaliers have pieced together a team that satisfies his liking in search of more NBA titles? Can the Cavaliers make a move with Anthony Bennett to gain a prospect to further entice LBJ? This is all the speculation and doors that this Luol Deng trade has opened, and now we all get to wait and see how everything plays out. Until next time #CruzSportsCorner 

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