The Tip Off, Cruz’s Corner vs The World

Today my NFL alliance brought up a reoccurring yearly theme and argument that tends to bring in both positives and negatives to the table. In case you don’t know what I am addressing, that is the Kansas City Chiefs benching their starters, and going with the professional JV squad, the backups, because they have indeed locked up the 5th seed in the playoffs, win or lose against the Chargers. It is currently 7:20 PM, Sunday December 29th, 2013, and the Chiefs have lost their last regular season game, 27-24, against the San Diego Chargers. For those who did not watch the game, our starting lineups on defense and offense featured ten players who were making their first career start, one of those including former Missouri Tiger standout, quarterback Chase Daniel. Chase Daniel is often the center of mockery, whether it be his Spud Webb like height, his Rex Ryan beer gut, or his Professional career as the Practice Squad General. The fact of the matter for today was though, that he was the man in charge, the man in charge, of beating the Chargers (No pun intended). As a loyal Chiefs fan, I watched our squad shock the world, starting the season 9-0 with a rejuvenated lineup, featuring newly acquired QB Alex Smith, and a promising new coach in Andy Reid.  The next three games featured tough conference opponents in Denver and San Diego (both now playoff bound), and needless to say, we started a three game slide to move to 9-3 on the season. The defense showed glorious moments that brought back reminiscence of the ’85 Bears, and also head shaking moments that resembled the 2001 Panthers. Needless to say, we rose back to the challenge with back to back wins against the Washington Redskins and the Oakland Raiders. Okay, maybe that doesn’t deserve a “jump out of my chair” reaction, but our offense was on an upward trend scoring 45 and 56 respectively, and the team had regained their energy and momentum heading into week 16. Week 16 featured a tough home matchup against the questionable Indianapolis Colts, whose season featured Super Bowl Champion like moments, and also moments that sympathized with that of the Jacksonville Jaguars. The Colts came out ready to prove themselves, and the Chiefs looked like exactly what we were all thinking, a team who had clinched playoff birth, and more than likely clinched their seed with two games to play. The Colts took that game 23-7, and that would turn out to be the last time the majority of the starters touched the field. So going into week 17, the Kansas City Chiefs have lost four of their last six, but had locked up the 5 seed in the playoffs regardless of the outcome of this week’s game. So what do you do, do you play your starter’s and try to win the game, gaining momentum and sending a divisional rival home with tears and a remote to watch you in the playoffs, or do you start the back ups, taking out any risk of injury and giving the reserves a chance to shine, while the starters rest? I have a very clear opinion on which one of these situations should have happened, but I will entertain the positives and negatives of both sides. For me, the decision is an easy one, you play the starters. Any momentum heading into the playoffs where you will face an upward trending Indianapolis Colts, is a bonus on all levels. You started off the season coming out with a vengeance, showing the NFL world that the 2012 two win Chiefs were a thing of the past, and if you treated us like that, you were getting left in the dust. But now you sit having lost 4 of the last 6, and skeptics are starting to question the strength of the Kansas City Chiefs. (I would like to point out one of those is not me, I believe we have the tools to make a playoff run, regardless of the outcome of week 17) So you play your starters, you come out, you beat the Chargers by at least 14, send them crying home to their Cali bros, you prove to the nation we are in the conversation for best defenses in the NFL, and that we can put up the points to compliment it, and you go into the playoffs ready to take the LUCK out of Indy. (Pun intended) Win or lose..what am I talking about if the starters play we leave the Chargers in the dust. But the other side of the argument also comes into play. Why would you risk your starters health status when you are the 5 seed regardless. I UNDERSTAND this side of the argument, and like I said, I stated my opinion and I believe it, but see the other side of the green grass also. Why would we put Charles, Berry, Flowers, Hali, and Smith (although I think Chase can bring an equal amount to the table) for the chance to gain momentum, and no chance to gain playoff seeding? Well we can all look back now, having lost the game, and still realize we are the 5 seed regardless, and have our hands full in a tough Colts team, but there is always room to speculate. Momentum proves to be crucial in the playoffs, and I’m not saying we don’t have any, nor that we are not prepared, but the way I see it, if we can ride into the playoffs with a win, why not ride in like the jockey on the Secritariat. To close off this post, let us Chief’s fans hope that national coverage in all NFL GM’s offices was down today, and that none of them saw the 21/30, 200 yard, 59 yards rushing, no interception throwing performance that Chase Daniel put on. Chase Daniel proved it at Missouri, he knows how to run a football team, he’s not afraid to risk it, he’s not afraid to initiate a hit, and he’s ready at all times to come in and make an impact. So while the Giants were stuck with the Ray Charles like Eli Manning, the Jaguars were stuck with the inferior “Sunshine” in Blaine Gabbert, and the Texans were stuck with Pick 6 Schaub, the Chiefs have two QBs that are impact starters, and ready for the task. The regular season is concluded, we more than quintupled our wins from last year, and we are playoff bound. I can tell you one thing about these playoffs, Andy Reid will have this team ready, he’s been there, and he knows how to get it done. So what do you all think? Comments Below! Until next time, #CruzsSportsCorner

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