Allow Me To Introduce Myself (Jay Z Voice)

Cruz’s Sports Corner, America, my name is Cruz Buchanan. Just a sport’s fan obsessed with watching, analyzing, and following sports, all sports. A thing most of us dedicated sports fans think about, I am putting into action. A place where I can state my opinions, observations, predictions, hell anything about sports that I feel I want to voice, this will be the spot. I would love to gain followers to engage in epic Stephen vs. Skip Bayless battles (No I will not use Caps Lock to emulate the obnoxiously loud shout produced by Stephen A’s big mouth, southly located of his receding hairline). I feel that I should first clarify my alliances. I am a die hard Chiefs, Celtics, Cardinals, Blues, and Missouri NCAA athletics fan. When we start talking about the other “football,” I tend to be a mere fan of the Championship League, but support Barcelona and the good ole USA on a national level. So if in any of my posts you seem to sense a bias towards any of those powerhouses, it probably is indeed, a personal bias I have towards them, but every opinion or argument will defended with the statistics, because hey, numbers don’t lie. The National Basketball Association receives most of my attention in this wonderful world of sports, and I enjoy speculating on the future, analyzing the present, and stating my opinion and observing the greats of the past. When I say greats of the pasts I hope you all think about the Green and White, 17 banner hanging, Larry Bird and Bill Russell claiming, Boston Celtics! But on a serious note, I live for sports and love to hear other sports fans opinions too. Competitiveness is in my blood, so I love to engage in any and all arguments, and I tend to represent my New England stationed powerhouse, and WIN. #CruzsSportsCorner  

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